Fashion News that’s Up to Date

Butterfly Fashion Concierge has it’s own online newspaper.

Get Daily doses of fashion with the Diva’s Desire Insider Newspaper with fashion and style tips, society, leisure, art and entertainment. Plus you can even find trending #Hashtags in my newspaper.

I will also be posting my own article to the newspaper also. I hope that you enjoy it.

Please let me know of any additions that you think I should make to the content.

Melissa Hoff

View it at the link below. The newspaper below. The fashion tips won’t be available until 5 PM. Thanks for your patience. Remember to subscribe to the newspaper. Then you will receive a daily notification of the new release.

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How Model Andrej Pejic Works Both Sides of the Runway – Fall Fashion 2011 — New York Magazine

How Model Andrej Pejic Works Both Sides of the Runway – Fall Fashion 2011 — New York Magazine.

The is an article about a beautiful man who is making it in the male and female Modeling world.

It is a very good article and even has comments on his family and how they handled the way there son came to be who he is today. They are incredible in their attitudes.

This is a growing market in the fashion industry. You will see many more men and women who are able to cater to both markets. I hope that you enjoy the article.

Melissa Hoff

Burnish Gold Tone Turqoise/Topaz Adjustable Ring – $18.00 : Twin Elegance, Accessorize with Supreme Style – Trendy Fashion Jewelry & Accessories

Burnish Gold Tone Turqoise/Topaz Adjustable Ring – $18.00 : Twin Elegance, Accessorize with Supreme Style – Trendy Fashion Jewelry & Accessories.

This is a beautiful ring. I love the colors and the tones of the metals. Hope you like it too.

Melissa Hoff

Launch Date Set for November 12!

My Jewels by Park Lane business is set to be launched on November 12.

Please attend my introductory party at Beeson St. in Dowagiac, MI.

Please input your information below for pre-booking your party or appointment for your wardrobe update.